
Showing posts from December, 2019

Breaking the Rules of Photography

1. 2. 3.  Here are my photos where I broke the rules of photography.  The first rule I'm breaking is that the object of the photo should always be facing towards the sun for good lighting. Kylie is standing close to the door and the sun is behind her making a bright spot in the photo and effecting the clarity of it.  The second rule of I'm breaking is you should focus on the object of the photo.  I decided to focus on the plants instead of Kylie who is the object of the photo and the plants are blocking her face.  The second rule I broke was to have the whole object in the photo.  Here Kylie is laying on the ground and I took a photo of only the top of her face
The renaissane era was during the 1300s to the 1600s and was a pivative point in history. It was important for cultual, political, economic, and artistic changes .  It was a big time for exploration in europe, they discovered a lot of new technologies and everything made for more advancements. After the black death it decreased the population by millions and lead to people becoming welathier. Many of the greatest artisit were in europe such as Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Rapheal, and Donatella.   The artisit of this painting is Ghirlandio, Domenico and he was born in florence and lived from 1449- 1494. People thinks he must have began his training as a apprentice in his dad's garland but no one knows how he started his training as an artist. He enjoyed working on a larger canvases but would use smaller ones for frescoe paintings that he would do on wood panels. Some of his earlist work was in 1472-1473 near florence in the Village Church of ...